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美国克拉克森大学David Mitlin教授走进化工学术大讲堂

发布时间 :2018年05月18日      阅读量:

2018年5月10日下午3:00,云顶yd222线路检测化工学院2018年度《化工学术大讲堂》高端学术讲座在望江校区正行楼313报告厅举行。美国克拉克森大学(Clarkson University)的David Mitlin教授,为我校师生做了一场题为“Selenium impregnated monolithic carbons as free-standing cathodes for high volumetric energy lithium and sodium metal batteries”的精彩报告。此次学术报告由化工学院博导储伟教授主持,化工学院、材料学院及新能源和低碳院等相关学院师生聆听了本次报告。

David Miltin教授以能源短缺为背景,从材料设计、合成方法出发,讲解了高性能Se-C正极材料在Na-Se储能电池中的相关研究进展。首先对比了Se-C正极材料与S-C正极材料的性能,然后以其课题组发表在Energy & Environmental Science (EES)、Advanced Energy Materials (AEM)等高影响期刊上的工作为例,详细讲解了对碳源前驱体的处理方法、Se-C复合方法对所得到的Se-C正极材料性能的影响,并且展望了高性能Se-C正极材料在高能量密度钠离子电池中的巨大应用前景。报告引起了全场师生的浓厚兴趣。

在报告问答环节,储伟教授和Mitlin教授鼓励大家踊跃提问,David对在场师生的问题进行了详细的解答。最后,大家带着思考和收获,以热烈掌声感谢David Mitlin教授的精彩学术报告。


图为储伟教授给David Mitlin教授授予学院化工大讲堂证书


David Mitlin is a full Professor and General Electric Chair at Clarkson University, in the Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering. Prior to that, Dr. Mitlin was an Assistant, Associate and full Professor at the University of Alberta, Canada. Dr. Mitlin has published over one hundred thirty peer-reviewed journal articles on various aspects of energy storage and conversion materials. He holds five granted patents three of which are licensed, and has presented over one hundred invited, keynote or plenary talks. Dr. Mitlin is an Associate Editor for Sustainable Energy and Fuels, a Royal Society of Chemistry Journal focused on renewables. Dave received a Doctorate in Materials Science from U.C. Berkeley in 2000, M.S. from Penn State in 1996.

敬方梨,韩萌茹 供稿

钮大文 审核

高敏 编辑



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